Concerns About WHO and Africa's Health Sovereignty: Dr. Wahome's Key Points

Concerns About WHO and Africa's Health Sovereignty: Dr. Wahome's Key Points

Dr. Wahome recently delivered a compelling speech addressing critical issues related to the World Health Organization (WHO) and its impact on Africa's health sovereignty. Below are the key points he raised during his address.


Dr. Wahome began by acknowledging the presence of President Museveni of Uganda and other distinguished guests. He emphasized that the primary focus of his speech was on matters of national importance and the sovereignty of Africa.

Concerns About WHO

Dr. Wahome expressed significant concerns about the World Health Organization. While WHO has played a crucial role in providing medical advisories in Africa, it has also engaged in activities that raise serious questions.

Proposed Amendments to WHO Regulations

One of the main issues highlighted by Dr. Wahome was a proposed amendment to WHO's international health regulations. These changes could potentially transform WHO from an advisory body into an administrative authority, thereby undermining the sovereignty of member states, including Uganda.

Ongoing Negotiations

The ongoing negotiations on these regulations and a new pandemic treaty are being led by health ministers and ambassadors. However, Dr. Wahome expressed concern that these discussions are not being adequately communicated to the executive and parliamentary bodies, which could risk Africa's autonomy.

Tetanus Eradication Campaign Controversy

Dr. Wahome brought attention to the 2014-2015 WHO tetanus eradication campaign in Uganda. He alleged that the campaign used a fertility-regulating vaccine, leading to increased infertility among young couples. This, he said, raises significant trust issues with WHO.

Malaria Eradication Efforts

Dr. Wahome also criticized WHO's efforts to eradicate malaria in Africa, which have been ongoing since 1955 but have not been successful. He expressed skepticism about recent proposals to use GMO mosquitoes and vaccinations, advocating instead for traditional treatments like artemisia, which have been suggested as effective alternatives.

HBV Vaccine and Cervical Cancer Prevention

Another point of contention for Dr. Wahome was WHO's promotion of the HBV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. He argued that HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer, is a sexually transmitted disease that can be managed through natural immunity and regular Pap smear tests rather than mass vaccination.

Call to Protect Africa's Health Sovereignty

Dr. Wahome urged resistance to WHO's proposed health regulations, emphasizing the need for Africa to protect its health sovereignty. He highlighted Africa's potential to manage its health challenges independently, without over-reliance on external bodies like WHO.

Appeal to the Younger Generation

Dr. Wahome called on the younger generation to take the lead in defending Africa's health sovereignty, drawing on past successes in promoting vaccines in Uganda. He expressed confidence in their ability to continue this vital work and safeguard the continent's future.


In conclusion, Dr. Wahome's speech highlighted significant concerns about WHO's actions and proposed changes, urging a united stance to safeguard Africa's health and sovereignty. He emphasized the importance of staying informed and engaged in the conversation about these critical issues.


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James Otabor is a Freelance Writer and Social Media Expert who helps finance professionals and startups build an audience and get more paying clients online. Mr Otabor is based in Lagos State Nigeria

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