Don't date her if you notice any of these signs…especially numbers 6 and 9

Dating is one of the most exciting things that people (both male and female) engage in. It's a process - a boy sees a girl either from afar or gets to know about her through someone/an event and wants her to be more than friends because we all know there are boundaries you can't cross with someone who is just your buddy. He goes into the chasing/wooing phase - which can be in form of chatting via texts, talking on the phone, meeting one-on-one; the possibilities are many. It is at this stage many guys get to decide if they want to continue with the dating plans with the lady and ask her out or cut ties completely with her. From communicating with her, he might find out some things that may encourage or discourage him from his purpose. Now, there are some clear-cut signs that should make a man have a rethink when he notices them about a lady. Here are some of them below:

She is always talking about her former lover

This is a cut-and-dry situation, guys. It is a major red flag when a lady speaks about her ex, whether in a good or bad way as it often means that she's not over him. She'll most likely find her way back to him and you'll be the one who lost. 2.You can't please her

This one is a dicey one. You do something for her but she doesn't get excited about it neither does she recognize the effort you put in to achieve that for her. Or it could be that she isn't satisfied and nags about it. That attitude can be discouraging and you shouldn't venture into a relationship with such a lady.

3.She has the gold digger traits You know what I mean with this, right? She is just with you because you have money. These ladies are everywhere these days. They are always in flashy outfits and use expensive gadgets that doesn't match with their income. They often don't have anything to offer you in a relationship. You need to beware of this type as she will trap you and drain you.

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4. She has a poor taste in things

As a guy, wouldn't you want to go out with a lady who oozes and radiates of class and great taste? I bet you do as she would give you an instant status boost and make you proud. No matter how beautiful a lady is, if her taste in food, clothes or things is poor, it's a bad look for you. 5.Her middle name is drama

I don't mean that literally. In this case, I'm talking about her reaction to things. She is too dramatic and makes a big fuss over the littlest things just to seek attention and try to prove that she matters - an act that is often intentional, immature and childish. This one will make a fool of you without any remorse and still try to blame you for it. Do not date this kind.

6.She seems too easy The truth is that men love the thrill of chasing after a lady that they like even if he is a sweet talker. You need to be careful and cautious about her if she comes across as too easy as it often means that she has had numerous encounters with men and can't say no. She is often loose and have no sense of self-respect. You don't want that kind of girl.

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7.She is a heavy drinker This type is just like the one above - lacking self control and respect. A lady who drinks too much is not an ideal option as she gives off the sign that she is loose and immature.

8.Her mouth smells (bad breath)

Proper hygiene is very important for both male and female. A lady who can't open her mouth to talk without making you cover your nose in disgust tells me she could be experiencing the same level of dirtiness in other parts of her body and it's a major red flag. 9.She’s extremely clingy

This type will call you every hour to ask where you are. If you don't reply her message in seconds, she'll assume you're with another lady. She wants to be with you every time; no breathing space or time to do things you actually need to do. Please, avoid her at all costs.

That's all I have for now. If you have any tip you feel others should know about, please share as knowledge is infinite.

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